Composite plastic bags for steaming and cooking are suitable for a variety of foods, mainly including:
1. 肉類食品:如熟食、豆制品、肉類等,這些食品需要高溫處理,以確保食品和延長保質(zhì)期。
1. Meat products: such as cooked food, soy products, meat, etc., require high-temperature sterilization treatment to ensure food safety and extend shelf life.
2. 乳制品:如牛奶、酸奶等,這些食品在高溫下處理可以殺滅有害微生物,延長保質(zhì)期。
2. Dairy products: such as milk, yogurt, etc., these foods can be processed at high temperatures to kill harmful microorganisms and extend shelf life.
3. 谷物食品:如方便面、米飯等,這些食品通過高溫蒸煮袋包裝,可以保持其原有的風(fēng)味和口感。
3. Grain based foods, such as instant noodles, rice, etc., are packaged in high-temperature steaming bags to maintain their original flavor and taste.
4. 茶葉食品:如綠茶等,這種包裝可以保持茶葉的新鮮度和風(fēng)味,同時防止氧化。
4. Tea food: such as green tea, this packaging can maintain the freshness and flavor of the tea while preventing oxidation.
5. 烘烤食品:如烘烤食品,這些食品在存放和流通過程中需要保持其香酥膨脆的特性,同時防止氧化變質(zhì)。
5. Baked foods: such as high-end baked goods, these foods need to maintain their crispy and fragrant characteristics during storage and circulation, while preventing oxidation and spoilage.
When choosing composite plastic bags, factors such as heat resistance, pressure resistance, and barrier properties should be considered to ensure the safety and quality of food. At the same time, direct contact with high temperature or sharp objects should be avoided during use to prevent the bag from breaking or melting.
This article is assisted by Jinan Composite Plastic Bag. For more related content, please click: http://m.wujikeji.com I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!